morphing machinery & mobi @ deaf07

morphing machinery and mobi, two works from the canadian artist Graham Smith.

morphing machinery explores the world of nanotechnology, and takes as it thematic foundation a new urban landscape filled with transforming machines and architectural forms in motion. Just as plants grow and alter their structures over time our machines, buildings and environments may in the future reconfigure themselves based on environmental and programming influences. Our cities will then become alive in a real sense as they will change and evolve in ways that more resemble the growth in a forest. This project is a collaboration between the artist, Willem de Kooning Academie students and Cybercity Ruhr

mobi is a human sized telepresence robot that users remotely control to move through distant environments, see through its camera eye, talk through its speakers and hear via its microphone ear. Simultaneously a life sized image of themselves is projected onto the robots LCD face, creating a robotic avatar. MOBI allows people to “explore far away art shows, attend distant presentations and make public appearences from anywhere on earth, thus helping to reduce air travel and reduce global warming”.

as we lost all our videos on revver, here is one from CybercityR

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