Monthly Archive for December, 2010

Merrick, Mutated IKEA LAMP @ars electronica

A brilliant project at this years Ars Electronica was Merrick by Daan van den Berg. It shows a mutated IKEA lamp, together with images of the so called “Elephant Man” John Merrick. Van den Berg looks into a near future of customised design and on demand culture. Where everybody can easily print out his/her furniture on 3D printers – without getting it physically from the store. In this case something went wrong on the way: The artist infected the IKEA design files with a virus, letting it mutate, disfiguring the lamp like a case of Elephantiasis. The project is worth mentioning not only because of discussing topics of design in our digital age, but also because a digital virus is here infecting an everyday object, questioning a forthcoming hybrid space between the virtual and the real.

/param>Interview: Peter Moosgaard
Kamera: Franziska Mayr-Keber
Schnitt: Christof Vonbank

Review The TOASTER PROJECT, @ars electronica

“Left to his own devices he couldn’t build a toaster. He could just about make a sandwich and that was it.” Mit diesem Zitat von Douglas Adams stellt der Künstler Thomas Thwaites seine Arbeit The Toaster Project vor. Wahrscheinlich eine der besten Arbeiten, die auf der diesjährigen Ars Electronica zu sehen war, unternahm Thwaites den Versuch im Alleingang einen Toaster herzustellen. Mehr Informationen zum Toaster Project hier.

Präsentation: Peter Moosgaard
Kamera: Franziska Mayr-Keber
Schnitt: Christof Vonbank

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