Monthly Archive for June, 2007

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homo technologicous

homo technologicous

homo technologicous

Originally uploaded by tagr_tv

he wont tell me his name. all i found out was, that he is ‘homo technologicous’. walking giardini with some wireless equipment, cellular, gps, tablet pc and whatnot, he was a real eyecatcher. wished to meet him again, but we got this speech barrier since he only spoke italian. i WILL learn this language until biennale09. if the world still exists then..

blowing, 2nd part

spanish pavillon

Originally uploaded by tagr_tv

Ruben ramos balsa, bowling
two tables, two monitors. Stereo sound that somehow interacts with a tube that does bubbles into a glass of water. weired, melodic sound, from a piano that is used in a cageous style. This is the first stop of our journey through giardini: the spanish pavillon

blowing, 2nd part

Ruben ramos balsa. Spain

here you see the installation from a different perspective. thru a tube, air is being pumped into the glass where it bubbles. on the video screen on the right, a boy blows into the other end of the tube. blowing halt..

ruben balsa, on the waters edge
this is another installation of ruben balsa. one the one side a camera attached to a glass. the other is a beamer, where the cam sends its picture to. if you blow on the surface of the water, the picture on the beamer shows some nice patterns. ruben really seems to be quite into ehrm blowing..

thats where we start our day

thats where we start our day

Originally uploaded by tagr_tv

Giardini. We gather at the illy spot, where they serve free coffee, as much you can swallow. Love that, coffee makes my brain work faster..

biennale 2007

Show is on...

we (julia staudach, peter scharmüller) arrived at biennale ’07. we are glad to work here, at the press room, where they provide us with free wifi and room to work, with desks and worksphere…

it is the first day of press previews, cameras everywhere. got a little video from youtube in german, where you can see the situation, which is interesting because one seldom sees a press

as journalistic n00bs we are excited to be let into the holy places, and prepare for the following day(s). julia staudach is studying the cataloge we got for a great discount of 50€.

welcome to the tagr coverage of biennale 07, stay tunded, get into arts together with us..

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