if you appreciate good things like italien food, good wine and you also have a big crash on media art, the share festival in torino (IT) is the place to be right know. the italiens know how to make things perfect for bon vivants like they created a own wine label with the same sujet than the festival. impressively genial!

the guest curator of the festival is no less than bruce sterling. you may not connect him with media art but more with cyperpunk – but if you know his novels its quite clear that he is having an elusive good feeling for art. i am especially thinking of the episode in “schismatrix” were lindsay (main character) got the first contact to the just arriving aliens and is accidental perceived as an artist as he caused an explosion:
“are you the artist?”
“yes,” lindsay said. he pointed at the screen. “notice the subtle shading effect where our recent blast darkend the sculpture.”
“we noticed the explosion,” the alien said. “an unusual artistic technique.”
“we are unusual,” lindsay said. “we are unique.”
(citation schismatrix)