Archive for the ‘interview’ Category

OutOfContext – Interview between Rotterdam and Amsterdam

Don Satijn is a Dutch visual artist and educator. helped M. Eugenia Demeglio realising the project of interviewing him.

The interview took place between Rotterdam and Amsterdam, the 6th and 7th of June 2013. It featured: a walk in Rotterdam, a drive to Amsterdam and a visit to the artist’s exhibition in Gallery Nine in Amsterdam.

DEAF-ElectronicArtFestival Rotterdam 2012 Crew- Terra Nova

“Crew” is a Brussels based company of artists and scientists, created by Eric Joris, which plays with the laws of perception, images and spaces.

For the immersive performance “Terra Nova” they took R.F.Scott´s fatal expedition to the South Pole in 1911 as a background, unfolding the steps and thoughts of the commander by Peter Vehelst´s text and addressing key issuses raised by neurologists and philosophers today, shattering the myth of the self.

“Terra Nova” is devised for 55 people separated in 5 groups to 11 persons which walk through different angles and perspectives of this piece, catching different roles.


dOCUMENTA(13) Fiona Hall

Fiona Hall, Nº76 Karlsaue, has turned a wooden house in the Karlsaue Park into a  ” hunter´s  den” where she is adorning the walls with creatures  placed on the IUCN Red List – categorized as vulnerable and endangered species. A metaphor for the embattled state and marginalization of these creatures,  the shredded camouflage garment also hints at the irony that these military disguises  are derived from  animal camouflage – one of nature´s inventions commandeered by modern warfare (text:  The Guidebook).

camera, editing kathrin stumreich

dOCUMENTA(13) Jérôme Bel

Jérôme Bel, Disabled Theater,  Nº26 Kaskade Cinema

In this project he works with the mentally disabled actors of the  Theater Hora, based in Zurich.
Intellectual  declension – i.e., mental disability – is generally thought of in terms of complete otherness to the condition of the intellectually keen and cultivated public of contemporary art. Jerome Bel chooses to  put  this handicap at the center of exactly this public´s attention, adopting it as a key to the reading of what enables us to think of a common dimension. He sheds light  on the dynamics of exclusion that leads to the marginalization of  those considered unabled to produce, exposing how, on the contrary , they are able to question the very mechanisms of representation, and to hint at existence as a non partitioned mode of presence ( text: The Guidebook).

camera, interview, editing kathrin stumreich

weise7: the incompatible laboratorium

Honestly: I was about to be disappointed. The transmediale Award, a former highlight of the transmediale is gone – to be replaced with the ‘resource’ program, which is not there yet. One could wonder what happened to all the submission of the call? The transmediale exhibition as well as the club transmediale exhibition were all about ancient video works – a lot of them interesting, no doubt – but what happened to works outside of the rectangular format?
The guys of Weise7, this years artists in the ‘Labor Berlin‘ program of the HKW saved the day. In their exhibition weise7: the incompatible laboratorium they showcase a fine selection of works combining code & objects that show sophisticated concepts, fine craftsmanship and an an unusual high level of technical perfection – but hear the artists talk themselves:

camera: Andreas ‘muk’ Haider
editing: Emanuel Andel & Andreas ‘muk’ Haider

oder die Vibes der Mobile-phones…

Sie durchdringen unseren Alltag , die Vibes unserer Mobiltelefone, das zarte, rythmische Vibririeren, das dezent auf eine gehende Botschaften, Anrufe oder Termine hinweist, dann wenn es eigentlich still um uns sein sollte…. also dann, wenn wir uns entschlossen haben, ungestört zu sein,  aber doch nicht ganz bereit sind uns von der permanenten Erreichbarkeit auszuklammern. Unsere Sinne bleiben in Alambereitschaft….

Und die Suche nach dem Telefon, sie starten wir unmittelbar,  sobald dieses eindringliche Vibrieren loslegt, selbst den Tisch, die Bank, die Tasche in Schwingung versetzt.  Doch was, wenn die Suche erfolglos bleibt, und das einzige was gewiss beendet wurde, unsere Unterhaltung ist.

Aufmerksamkeitsungeziefer – ein kleines Medienkunstwerk, ein elektronischer Käfer, ausgestattet mit allen gängigen Handy Vibrationsrhytmen. Dessen einzige Aufgabe: lästig sein und diejenigen stören, die dort Ruhe suchen, wo er sich eingenistet hat….

Der Künstler Julian Palacz im Gespräch mit Esel Lorenz Seidler:

Kamera: Emanuel Andel, Andreas Muk Haider
Schnitt: Franziska Mayr-Keber
in Kooperation mit Coded Cultures


Coded Cultures: walk with the curators…

the three men behind the scenes….

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Interview: Franziska Mayr-Keber
Schnitt, Konzept: Nora Skrabania
Kamera: Kathrin Stumreich


Rainer Prohaska @ Coded Cultures Festival

Rainer Prohaska über seine Arbeit “Transistor” dass im Zuge des Coded Cultures Festival 2011.
Kamera: Andreas ‘muk’ Haider & Emanuel Andel
Schnitt: Franziska Mayr-Keber

Argentinian Pavilion – Curator Rodrigo Alonso on Adrián Villar Rojas work

We’ve been with the curator for the Argentinian Pavilion, Rodrigo Alonso, commenting on this monumental site-specific work from artist Adrián Villar Rojas for “La Biennale” 2011.

Camera: Ulli Armbrüster

Interview: Karina Fernández

Edition: Karina Fernandez


take a look at the bright sight…
…with the ARTVERTISER !

Glänzend schöne Versprechen von einer heilen Welt… zumindest für die, die auf die richtigen Produkte setzen, so das Credo der Werbung.  Hinsehen, verstehen, kaufen!
Die Mantras der Werbung begegen uns überall, sind Teil des öffentlichen Raumes – denn sie wollen nicht nur gesehen werden, sie müssen gesehen werden.

Streetart ist eine Art sich diesem kommerziellen Zwang zu widersetzen, öffentlich zu hinterfragen. Eine digitale Streetart-Version entwickelten Julian Oliver und Damian Stewart. Der Artvertiser, ein Gerät und eine Software, womit sich Plakate neu definieren lassen. Das Credo hier: Kunst statt Kommerz!

Damian Stewart präsentierte den Artvertiser am Coded Cultures Festival 2011:

und hier noch das eigene Video, das im Rahmen der Transmediale 2010 entstand:

Augmented Billboards 2: The Artvertiser @ Transmediale 2010 from Julian Oliver on Vimeo.




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