Tag Archive for ‘aram-bartholl’

USB-Sticks im Gemäuer Wiens… ein Projekt von Aram Bartholl
Coded Cultures 2011

analog – aber bitte digital. statt aus der internetcloud, überraschungsinformationen aus der hauswand….
aram bartholl sucht nach löchern im gemäuer der stadt… schließt diese wieder und hinterlässt dort einen usb stick zum datenaustausch im öffentlichen raum.

ARS electronica 2010 … Pressekonferenz and more…

ARS electronica 2010 “repair – ready to pull the lifeline” starting the 2nd September 2010 will be presented at the former tabacco factory in Linz, a location that tells its own story about the moment of change that we are facing.

tagr.tv will be part of the ARS festival scenario as we have been invited by Aram Bartoll to join the Digital Communities Area (Bau 1, OG3). and of corse we will use this opportunity to tagr as much interessting projects, artists, etc. as we can!

PRIX ARS ELECTRONICA 2010 _ digital communities
one of the award winners in this category is the ubiquitous – #unibrennt cloud which was the origin for a European wide student movement criticizing our educational systems…. congratulations!!
CCC-Chaos Computer Club also won a price in this category.

to  get an idea of what you can expect we are featuring the recording of the press conference in Vienna, thx to the team of http://unibrennt.tv for the video!!

chat @ maria @ transmediale.08

chat by aram bartholl is a mobile messaging system – people with portable keyboards – followed by moving speech bubbles – projecting the messages above their heads. you might know aram bartholl from his other works like TV-Filter and Random Screen


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