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Tag Archive for ‘eva-jantschitsch’

Eva Jantschitsch a.k.a Gustav live in Concert featuring “Trachtenkapelle Dürrenstein”

The concert was part of the programme of the Donaufestival08 and completely sold out – not even the press pass got me in, i was very lucky to find someone who sold me his ticket in the very last minute in order to sneak in a minute before the concert started.
I realized that “Gustav” was discussed in the media, but i didn’t realize the hype that was going on, nor i understood it… until the concert started.

Then the microphone gave completely up, this youtube video provides better audio quality of this scene.. within a minute i was amazed by Eva Jantschitsch’s performance and voice, and all of a sudden i understood why the Minoritenkirche in Krems – a former chruch & great venue btw. – was completely packed and sold out since weeks.

This video clip starts with the appearece f the Trachtenkapelle (traditional band) of Dürrenstein which was the spezial feature of the night, which i think was great, but see for yourself: