Tag Archive for ‘se-mi-sei-vicino’

se mi sei vicino

The interactive installation by sonia cillari “se mi sei vicino” is a masterpiece of implementing human-body-interface. “se mi sei vicino” means “If you are close to me”. A human body is standing on a platform which functions also as a big electromagnetic-field-sensor. Projections on the walls are like digital shadows with the viewpoint of a classical architectual principle (front- and side-view). These shadows consists of a physical modelling structure as an equivalent of the human body. so the image and the sound are reacting on the emf of the body, who reacts like an antenna… if somebody is getting closer the sensors recognizes the interference in the emf and affect image and sound of the installation. it´s a combination of performance and interaction.. dive into the performance as the actor not only passive spectator…

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