Tag Archive for ‘vienna’

Coded Cultures: walk with the curators…

the three men behind the scenes….

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Interview: Franziska Mayr-Keber
Schnitt, Konzept: Nora Skrabania
Kamera: Kathrin Stumreich


Das Skateboard, das Nintendo spielte… ?

§P¡NdLe .. so der Titel, vielsagend und doch ein wenig kryptisch, genau das richtige für die, die ein wenig tüfteln wollen, was dieses Skateboard mit eingebautem Nitendo kann, möchte, wie das denn alles funktioniert, was genau überhaupt funktionieren soll, und wie beziehungsweise was das alles eigentlich ist.
Und diese Verwunderung ist vielleicht auch die Fragestellung des Kunstwerks an seine Betrachter… Kunst als Idee, als Anregung, als Phantasie… über Partituren, die der Boden schreibt….

Hinter der §P¡NdLe oder dem §P¡NdLe stehen die Künstler Gordan Savicic und Philipp Lammer.

Im Gespräch mit eSel.at – Philip Lammer:

USB-Sticks im Gemäuer Wiens… ein Projekt von Aram Bartholl
Coded Cultures 2011

analog – aber bitte digital. statt aus der internetcloud, überraschungsinformationen aus der hauswand….
aram bartholl sucht nach löchern im gemäuer der stadt… schließt diese wieder und hinterlässt dort einen usb stick zum datenaustausch im öffentlichen raum.

Christian Falsnaes about art

Coded Cultures 2011

This week the Coded Cultures Festival 2011 starts in Vienna.


Coded Cultures 2011 presents itself on many different locations in Vienna, with the main focus on the Donaukanal (Danube Channel) and the surrounding Viennese city districts.

From 21st to 25th of September focus days will be held, which mainly will take place at the Viennese Danube Channel, the 2nd district of Vienna, Museums Quarter Vienna, the Badeschiff and the Odeon Theatre. From the 26th of September to the 2nd of Octo- ber workshops, presentations and artist-talks are taking place. Partners are Transmediale Berlin, Media Lab Prado Madrid, Enter Festival Prag and Amber Festival Istanbul (among many others). On the 1st of October the Festival is ending with a big event at the Badeschiff in cooperation with the viennese Waves Festival.


The opening event is this Wed 21st – expect first postings 2b online during the weekend!

:: TrikeDoubleThree :: Interview with Bernhard Lang and Christine Gaigg

TrikeDoubleThree is a piece of performative dance in conjunction with audio visual elements by Christine Gaigg (2nd nature) and Bernhard Lang.
The four dancers on stage, perform on sound panels by being video taped, the sound and video is sampled with the “visual loop generator” and reprojected on the screens in the middle of the stage (stage design: Philipp Harnoncourt). As a viewer you might loose the oversight of what is created by whom, is the machine following the human dancers or vice versa?

But somehow, it’s all about loops. We had the chance to talk to Christine Gaigg and Bernhard Lang, the creators of this piece where dance meets media art.

TrikeDoubleThree was shown at TQW, November 2009, Wien Modern Festival.

German with English subtitels

Interview: Ella Esque
Camera & Editing: Franziska Mayr-Keber
Subtitles: Franziska Mayr-Keber, Oliver Stummer
Performance Video Recordings: Raphael Brand

German (English subtitels will be added asap)

Interview: Ella Esque
Camera & Editing: Franziska Mayr-Keber
Performance Video Recordings: Raphael Brand

Eyewriter at Blackriverfestival

Three members of the eye-writer initiative tell us about their project, how it started and how it developed. There is more great video documentation available on vimeo, like this clip:

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