Monthly Archive for April, 2008

Share Festival: Two Architectures

This was the last talk of this years share festival: Bruce Sterling and Marcos Novak talking about the internet and new forms of visualisation – two really really interesting characters. While Bruce Sterling couldn’t wait to finish the festival and move on to the wine, Marcos Novak couldn’t stop to explain the world – really interesting, very amusing: (english 1:15h , 352.9Mb)

There are various versions of this file ready to download here, all talks of the share festival are available at the Share Festival stream site

Interview with Gianluca Del GobboLive Performers Meeting in ROME: 29th of May – 1st of June

!!! Submission dealine: 30th April 2008 !!!

At the Vision’R in Paris I met Gianluca Del Gobbo, one of the two programmers of FlxEr – a flash based VJ software – and the coorganiser of the LPM – live performers meeting in Rome. Don’t forget to subscribe to this meeting, there are still a few days left!! It’s gonna be great, that’s for sure… and will report!
But now – listen what Gianluca has to say:

AV performances Part I @ Mapping Festival 2008

The first weekend of the Mapping Festival in Geneva past by too fast… and i tried to see and document every event… but to be honest it was not possible! What i saw… or let’s say experianced was great and all the different kinds of performances gave a good overview of how and in which context av technics might be used.
This ranges from the classical VJ set going along with a DJ playing or live audio visual sets in a night club to more experimental audio visual performances and installations shown in a museum of contemporary art.
The Festival still goes on till Sunday! So get your things packed and come!

And have a look at those videos…. even if the quality is not the best! i am gonna work on that… when i am back home, I promise.

Dimitri Delcourt & Nicolas Field
Swiss based artists. Visuals by Dimitri Delcourt.
11.04.2008 | Centre d’art Contemporain

Olga Mink & Scanner
Visuals by Olga Mink from the Netherlands. Music by Robin Rimbaud aka Scanner from United Kingdom.
11.04.2008 | Centre d’art Contemporain

11.04.2008 | Zoo
8GB is an audio visual performance of Akira from Argentina who also works as VJ kiken.corporation. GB like GameBoy and that’s what it is: 8-bit GameBoy Music – well known gaming sounds combined with dark beats and individual visuals for each song… great party performance!

Some more VJ sets:
12.04.2008 | Zoo

VJ Emovie

VJ kiken.corporation

More videos and reports will be ONLINE soon!

And now I have to pack my things… to continue my trip to Paris where the Vision’R Festival is going on!
I am excited!

Casey Reas @ University of applied Arts, Vienna

Casey Reas lecture “form+code” at the university of applied arts in vienna on 10.4.2008 as part of the sliver lecture series. big thx to Peter Linhart who recorded the lecture.

AntiVJ @ Mapping Festival 2008

AntiVJ is a VJ Label founded by four VJs francophone – VJ Crustea, VJ Emovie, VJ Aalto and VJ Legoman. Their aim is to leave the traditional work area of a VJ … the lonley screen somewhere in a club…
Well, what they do so far is to create new surfaces for their VJ Sets – that range from unconventional screens in night clubs to installations in public spaces (a market place or a garage) and lightsculptures – as well as developing their own VJ Tools to play on these 3d shapes.

I saw them playing visually with their own installation objects – a bunch of white cubes in a darkend room. I gotta say… it was awesome!You even got the feeling those objects were moving or shivering a bit! Enjoy the video!

mapping festival in geneva: 10.04.08 – 20.04.08

yesterday _ the 10th of april 2008 _ the mapping festival _ a festival for and about visual art _ started with various live acts at the centre d’art contemporain of geneva. due to an unexpacted long trip from vienna to geneva, i only saw the last two vj performances at the opening party. but it was worth to go there!

vj aalto from paris showed his fresh and clear animations that dance happily to the rythm of the music.
later on vj ratsi / emovie experimented with urban photos by defragmenting them in different manners. Have a look at the short summery video to catch the nice atmosphere of this party!

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