Archive for the ‘performance’ Category

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BIP – building interactive plagrounds

BIP is an event promoted by FAWI (Fondazione Arezzowave Italia) and ARSNOVA, curated by Associazione Culturale NADA and managed by TODO.

The event will be the 20-21st of July in Florence, in collaboration with ElettroWave, the major free event of electronic music.

If you want to play with space, time, people and technology, if you fiddle around with the idea the space can be programmed, if social patterns are your breakfast, if you are not scared by a drunk young audience, if you keep telling your friends that environments are not passive wrappings but active processes, if you dream about pervasive computing, if your perceptions keep shifting, if your projects are about interplay, exploration and humor, if tinkering with technology is your obsession…

Then… this call for works is your unique chance to experiment with interaction design within the context of an electronic music festival.
Nightlife, extreme characters, clubbing freaks, young unrespectuful and challenging audience. You know what we are talking about, don’t you?

They are looking for projects. Not vague ideas or proof of concepts. Real projects that can substantially and meaningfully enrich the Elettrowave event and strengthen involvement. Clubbing is the context and not the object of BIP.
They’re looking for something innovative, passionate and fresh that can make a difference: interactive installations, environments, sound and/or visual projects, etc.

All project proposals must be submitted by May 10th, 2007.
Late entries will not be accepted. By submitting a project, entrant warrants that it is his/her original design.

The submission form is available at
Participants need to provide us with all the information required in the submission form.

performance rebekah wilson

first impressions+resonante memory traces

Now, just arrived at Transmediale and, like last year, it’s quit hard to choose what to see and what not…There are the Studio, the StudioII, the Salon, the exhibition and about four or even more outside locations…!
Plus: You always meet interesting people you want to spent a lot of time with. If you are in media art, this place feels like after a bath and all the foam is finally melting (just before is going down the drain ;)
Anyway, sometimes after many talks and meet and greetz, surprisingly, I had the chance to attend a performance. In this case by The Austrian Institute for Media Archaeology, who were presenting themselves with four different performances.

Here are some impressions of them:

turntable improvisation
von ushi reiter
live-visuals: julia starsky

Performance by Julia Starsky & Uschi Reiter

performance by uschi reiter and julia zdarsky at transmediale

ctm musiktips

ein kleiner ueberblick von einem echtem pro, mister dj alive:
“also des programm is musikalisch ned übermässig, aber ein paar gustostückelr sind natürlich immer dabei….

dieser mesterhazy spielt super electronica/experimental sets .. da is wahrscheinlich der abend recht nett obwohli niemanden sonst kenn.

der abend wo noze spielt, der aber sicher der langweiligste act an dem abend sein wird schaut echt gut aus … vor alllem feadz und der jay haze mitseinem neuen fuckpony projekt … lecker – wenn man drauf steht.

und natürlich rechenzentrum(magichnichtso) und pole!!!! band … wenn das ser deutsche pole is dann isses super elktronischer minimal dub .. und der tip des programms.

ich hoff ich hab alle klarheiten beseitigt”

vj meat vs. vj meat

this vj couple was the most impressive one – at least i liked them most in the first night of the Vision’r festival in paris. – youtube vs. revver, btw.:

evil knievel – February 3rd

sorry guys… there is no more info about the creatures of the night…
due to massive alcohol consumption i decided to get as many people drunk as possible… one of my favourite real games…

one exception… the fabulous, extraordinary, fuck i wanna kiss his feet… world’s greatest dancer… EVIIIL KNIEVEEEL …if somebody knows his contact address send it to me…please…! he needs to perform in vienna as well!

Download and play in your prefered Player: evil_knivil
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party party – February 3rd

we definitly recomend the following events for your party-needs:

special event
fri, 3rd feb, wuehlisch 22

the special event was broken down by berlin police (they came with 12(!) cars) at 2.30am.

police from above

the responsible cop (id 24020798) wasn’t able to tell us why.

Download and play in your prefered Player: kirsche
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vakant dumb-unit
sat, 4th feb, watergate

yes. wighnomy bros very popy but hey ;)
alex smoke finest techno. a night to remember :)

rock on!

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