Archive for the ‘+languages’ Category

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bernhard cella, wien

bernhard cella, wien

Originally uploaded by tagr_tv

What does the artist do after the death of the curator?
the installation is in the entrance of giardini. a tent, camping table on top the product. Bernhard stands in front, wearing mirrored sunglasses.
his multiple is in basic art for artists, giving you an ease of pain when you suffer from opening paralysis and curator dependencies.
He travels all major art festivals promoting his project, and we just like him…

alexander ponomarev, shower

alexander ponomarev, shower

Originally uploaded by tagr_tv

Entering the russian pavillon. Shower is an interactive installation, where tv footage floods down on the spectator. Reflecting on the media overkill of our time, ponomarev works with aesthetic brilliance and uses old fashioned technique embedded in an multimedia environment. Pulling the armatures one can regulate the speed of the pictureflood. The content itself is mixed with news, entertainment, porn, musicvideos etc.

opening biennale

opening biennale

Originally uploaded by tagr_tv

Robert storr opens the 52nd biennale di venezia. In giardini hundrets, not thousands of arts addicts, collectors, museum directors (hifive to gerald matt) and artists gather to celebrate this wonderful festival. The focus is set to africa this year, reflecting on the situation after colonisation.
after busy days of press preview, we want you to feedback our coverage, and help us improve the quality of our journalistic work. Just mail to tagr(at)tagr(dot)tv”

we need you to suck less….

nordic pavillon

nordic pavillon

Originally uploaded by tagr_tv

Here we see some real simple, but popular pieces. About 100 dart plates, were people throw and throw, created by jacob dahlgren. Tried to get my turn, but couldnt wait. In the right corner i see a sculpture made of generic windows by sirous namazi, as well as the steel sheet sculpture. He must be a frustrated architect or something… Jk

manuel vilariño, tabla bwa

manuel vilariño, tabla bwa

Originally uploaded by tagr_tv

tracey emin

tracey emin

Originally uploaded by tagr_tv



Originally uploaded by tagr_tv

arnout mik, citizens and subjects

we’re at the dutch pavillon. aernout mik shows some recent works, where he reflects on the situation in a nationstate during ‘the age of paranoia’. multichannel video screens, severe police training, kids wearing uniforms, all in all overwhelmingly set up.

we are all confronted with the situation, that nations restrict the civil rights, homeland security and common mistrust. is there a real threat, or do nations only use this scenery to fundament their status quo? you decide..

homo technologicous

homo technologicous

homo technologicous

Originally uploaded by tagr_tv

he wont tell me his name. all i found out was, that he is ‘homo technologicous’. walking giardini with some wireless equipment, cellular, gps, tablet pc and whatnot, he was a real eyecatcher. wished to meet him again, but we got this speech barrier since he only spoke italian. i WILL learn this language until biennale09. if the world still exists then..

blowing, 2nd part

spanish pavillon

Originally uploaded by tagr_tv

Ruben ramos balsa, bowling
two tables, two monitors. Stereo sound that somehow interacts with a tube that does bubbles into a glass of water. weired, melodic sound, from a piano that is used in a cageous style. This is the first stop of our journey through giardini: the spanish pavillon

blowing, 2nd part

Ruben ramos balsa. Spain

here you see the installation from a different perspective. thru a tube, air is being pumped into the glass where it bubbles. on the video screen on the right, a boy blows into the other end of the tube. blowing halt..

ruben balsa, on the waters edge
this is another installation of ruben balsa. one the one side a camera attached to a glass. the other is a beamer, where the cam sends its picture to. if you blow on the surface of the water, the picture on the beamer shows some nice patterns. ruben really seems to be quite into ehrm blowing..

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