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Tag Archive for ‘Medien Kultur Haus’

Synchron :: summeracademy @ MKH in WELS

August 2008. In the tiny lovely town in Upper Austria called Wels, in the towns’ cultural center Medien Kultur Haus a summeracadamy about audio visual culture takes place.
The programm started already at the end of July with workshops for beginners and continues with the so called “Produktionswerkstätten”. The aim is to realise within two weeks five projects. Therefore all interested people with some knowledge of AV techniques are invited to come and join the creation process. Participants will have a place to stay and will be provided with food and coffee of corse! The Medien Kultur House will turn into a huge studio!
Finally the presentations of the works will be on October the 17th in Wels.

Produktionswerkstätten :: 11th to 25th August 2008

And those are the five projects they’ll be working on:

1. TagTool – Painting the front of the Medien Kultur Haus
with Markus Dorninger and Matthias Fritz (OMA)
The Tagtool is an open source instrument for drawing and animation in a live performance situation. Its development is coordinated by OMA International.

2. 16mm Windows – let the windows become your screen!
with Volker Sernetz, Stefan Sobotka (Ochoresotto) and Gerhard Senz (Paracelsus)
Analog….analog…. analog…. Ochoresotto didn’t forget about the good old analog devices and they know how to use them!
3. Videokaiserpanorama – Multimedia 3D Videos
with Anna Bertsch, Ulla Pfneudl (Angina P) and Benjamin Schröder

4. A/V Performance – Generative
with Katharina Mayrhofer, Matthias Zauner and Markus Weickinger

5. A/V Performance – Samplebased
with Martin Püringer (kon.txt), Michael Seidl (Mikimoto) and Sebastian Achleitner

You are interessted to join this event ? So grab your laptop, pack your things and last but not least send a mail to Boris Schuld or Harald Schermann office@medienkulturhaus.at!

SYNCHRON – Trailer: