Tag Archive for ‘Relational-Lights’

Relational Lights @ FILE Festival 2010

I had the pleasure to get Ernesto Klar for a short interview. He is an artist from Venezuela, living in New York and won the first prize in the FILE PRIX LUX competition in the category of interactive installations. The FILE PRIX LUX Award took place for the first time this year and had three categories: interactive installations, electronic sonority and digital language.

“Luzes relacionais” (Relational Lights) is an interactive audio-visual installation that explores our relationship with the expressional-organic character of “space”. The installation uses light, sound, haze, and a custom-software system to create a morphing, three-dimensional light-space in which spectators actively participate, manipulating it with their presence and movements. “Luzes relacionais” is a hommáge to the work and aesthetic inquiry of Brazilian artist Lygia Clark.

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