Archive for the ‘exhibition’ Category

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A walk through the exhibition with Stephen Kovats, Artistic Director of transmediale.09, Part 2

Corpora in Si(gh)te

by doubleNegatives Architecture

A walk through the exhibition with Stephen Kovats, Artistic Director of transmediale.09

Part 1, interview in german

Six Appartements by Reynold Reynolds

interview with reynold reynolds 30/01/09 about his video installation six apartements. Winner of the transmediale 2009 distinction.

Interview: Peter Schlager
Camera: Florian Steinringer, Sophie-Carolin. Wagner
Edit: Sophie-Carolin. Wagner

And the winner of the Transmediale Award 2009 is..

Tantalum Memorial!
2nd price goes to
Rudolfo Quintas!


You can find info about both on, Quintas interview will be online tomorrow! is now online.

Distinction to Reynold Reynolds



Reynolds’s video installation Six Appartments is a poetic narration of resignation and decline which documents the life of six people in their apartments. The inhabitants live isolated, unaware of each other, without drama – they eat, sleep, watch television – even though their lives are overshadowed by mass media generated problems of the larger world and the upcoming ecological crisis. Their connection to the world is located elsewhere: It can be found in the microscopic process of decomposition of their bodies, food and living spaces, and in their passive existence towards consumption which, with every moment, brings them closer to their deaths. In Reynolds’ composition of images, with their strong Vanitas-motifs, the human being does not have control of its own life. – Igloolik Isuma Productions is an independent platform for indigenous film-makers, exchanging traditional knowledge, as well as news and footage documenting an aboriginal way of life. Paul Quassa, sitting in the futuristic McLuhan Salon, tells us why new technologies were quickly absorbed by aboriginal tribes, how traditional knowledge about nature and the environment can help us to deal with an impending climate change and how exactly works.

Tantalum Memorial

Everybody uses mobile devices and computers. Less people know you need a very rare mineral called “tantal” to fabricate microchips this size, soon making it more precious than gold. This very moment, cruel wars are fought over this metal in Congo, resulting in more than 3.6 million deaths to date. The tantalum memorial was created in rememberence of this wars´ victims. In a very unique way, ancient telephone technology, the congolese community in london and storytelling are combined, resulting in the extrordinary piece “tantalon memorial”. a living memorial in a way, through which stories can be told and peolpe are connected, reminging us of the blood dripping from our stylish new devices.

a shotgun is visible and intimidating

Jetzt mal zur Abwechslung ein subjektiver Beitrag. Ein Beitrag, der
nicht versucht den Anschein von Objektivität zu erwecken. Gonzo heißt
das oder so, aber vielleicht passt das so nicht. Egal. In Berlin ist es
eiskalt. Ich habe meine lange Unterhose in Wien gelassen, weil ich fest
darauf hoffte, dass spontan der Frühling einbricht. So bin ich. Jetzt
habe ich Halsweh, brauche aber ein Bier, weil das Leben so freundlich zu
mir ist und mich heftig durchbeutelt. Wo trinke ich das? In diesem Café
im Haus der Kulturen der Welt, wo ich bis jetzt noch nie ein Trinkgeld
gegeben hab. Wo die Steckdosen an der Decke sind. Wo mir der Urs (unser
lieber Austauschbekannter aus der Schweiz, der draußen die
Hardware-Kochperformance macht und den es auch nicht mehr freut, für 200
Euro gesamt jeden Abend in der Kälte zu stehen, wo nach der dritten
Performance doch eh keiner mehr zusieht) hat mir heute gesagt, dass man
nicht an diesen Feuerlöschteilen an der Decke ankommen darf, weil sonst
das ganze Haus der Kulturen geflutet wird. Mit Löschwasser oder so.
Continue reading ‘a shotgun is visible and intimidating’

Man With A Movie Camera: The Global Remake

The video artist Perry Bard invites people to a collaborative web-based, database-generated montage experiment. Using Dziga Vertovs masterpiece from 1929 as direct inspiration, participants from all over the world can upload footage on the website next to the corresponding scenes from the original film. Uploaded digital media from photo cameras, video recorders and screen-grabs form part of the new interpretation. The lengths and images of submitted videos are synchronised with the original scenes through software, which then rotates the added material every day, ensuring the film may never be the same twice. Bard’s project transports Vertov’s impressions about the Soviet cities in his experimental silent film into the 21st century and becomes, in Vertov’s terms, the “decoding of life as it is.”.

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