Archive for the ‘+event’ Category

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Amelia Andersdotter: „Repair“ Democracy Maxwell Salzberg: Creating Diaspora

The „Open Source Life“ Symposium was one of many great series of talks at Ars Electronica 2010 (video archive) with Saskia Sassen, Richard Sennet (watch), Joichi Ito (Creative Commons), Richard Kriesche (interview coming soon), Geert Lovink (up next) and many more on stage to discuss life, work, visions, sustainability, initiatives, freedom, transparency, open source mindsets, open source structures, societies and change.

Amelia Andersdotter (blog, twitter, artikel) – Pirate Party Member of the European Parliament on (post)representative democracy, decisions, time, treaties, transparency and future scenarios:

Maxwell Salzberg is one of the founders of Diaspora, a new distributed, sensible social network. They collected funds at kickstarter where many interesting projects can be given money. Diaspora will start in October 2010, but they released their (ruby) source code to the general public..  today!


The Ubiquitous #unibrennt Cloud Club 2 Podium


F.A.T. greetings from the Ars Electronica Gala 2010

The Ars Electronica Gala is usually the place for politicians and sponsors to show off – this rule was a bit loosened by a guerillia marketing gag by a bunch of street artists that are involved in one of the ‘Golden Nica’ awarded projects – this is the kind of communication that distinguishes an art event from any other commonplace gala – thank you for that one!

Flächen @ ARS 2010

Die diesjährige ARS Electronica findet erstmals sehr kompakt in der stillgelegten Tabakfabrik statt, die mit ihren grossen, leeren Produktionshallen die perfekte Atmosphäre für das Thema “repair” bietet. sind wir noch zu retten. ohne Frage. ohne Antwort. wer ist wir. vor wem. uns selbst. Für Julius Stahl aus Berlin stellt sich diese Frage erst gar nicht. muss es auch nicht. Er schafft mit seiner Arbeit “Flächen” eine ästhetisch ansprechende Rauminstallation, die den Grenzbereich zwischen akustischer und visueller Wahrnehmung erforscht und erfahrbar macht.

Richard Sennett at Linzer Stadtgespräche

Richard Sennett‘s opening keynote at the ars electronica 2010:

This is the Q&A after the Keynote, including some very honest statements. Richard Sennet shared the stage with Johann Kalliauer and Johann Mayr:

ISEA 2010

Stefan Riekeles, Program Director of the ISEA 2010, is presenting a selection of pieces of the ISEA 2010 RUHR Exhibition and reflecting over misunderstandings considering the term Sonification and whether the opposite of digital is necessarily analogue.

interview: Emanuel Andel, camera & editing: Sophie-Carolin Wagner

stelarc@Nime congress Sydney

June  2010 @ Nime ( new interfaces for musical expression) congress in Sydney; I got the chance to meet  stelarc before he had to catch the plane to his homebase melbourne. After hearing his one hour lecture (showing some impressive videos of his ear on arm surgery ) the other day, it was great to talk in a more laid back atmosphere; I have to admit he  can hook you into  his passion and brings along an infectious (to stay with terms!)  enthusiasm for the future visions of cyborg art and a lot more… For  the project ear on arm he won the golden nica hybrid art 2010 at ars electronica.

interview, camera, editing: Kathrin Stumreich

Braun Tube Jazz Band

Wada Ei tells us about his performance – we already gave a preview of this in the ISEA 2010 launched post. The next chance to see Ei Wada performing live is at the upcominc Ars Electronica Festival in Linz!

interview & editing: Emanuel Andel, camera: Sophie-Carolin Wagner

moids 2.0

This is an Interview with Soichiro Mihara who is one of the participants of the coded cultures exibition at the ISEA 2010 in Dortmund.

interview&editing: Emanuel Andel, camera: Sophie-Carolin Wagner

ISEA 2010 launched

We arrived in germanies funky Ruhrpott, mostly famous famous for it’s industry – but not these days: The 16th international symposium on electronic arts opened it’s doors to the exhibitions and we are happy to give you a short impression almost real time… This is a performance of Wada Ei that just happened during the opening of the coded cultures exhibition – enjoy!

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