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videos of transmediale.08

a playlist of some videos i found on youtube..


24 hours docu of a performance. 70 workers dismantle and rebuild a wooden sculpture representing the time. every minute it had to be rebuild again. by mark formanek, datenstrudel @ exhibtion – transmediale.08 – conspire.

the special player @ c-base

the special player performance is a project from 02L and was a external event of Transmediale – took place in berlins spacestation c-base. it was a special performance, but also functioned as an interactive installation where people were invited to freak the dancefloor…

moving forest

people with wooden guns screaming and attacking presidential house… other people in front of the bundestag running around with gameconsoles waiting for instructions… red alert ? don´t worry, just follow the instructions…. but who is moving us ? who gives the instructions ? and where is all this noise coming from ? forest in the center of berlin ? ok, we follow …
video from the radio gun revolt (part of moving forest) :

due to some codec problems i couldn´t edit my material from the DS revolt part… but gordo made a a wrapped up audio mix and pictures of the event
and i found describing words from gordo on youtube (thx 2 xavier)…

Upcoming: Transmediale 2008 // Share Prize 08

transe 08

The Transmediale Festival 2008 “Conspire” will open it’s doors next week. The Festival runs from 30th of Jan till 3rd Feb 2008. The Openng will take place im “Haus der Kulturen der Welt“on Tuesday evening. A detailed Programm is ready for download here.

We will have a look behind the curtains and provide you with Artist and Organizer interviews Videos as well as workshop documentation from the Club Transmediale, which already starts today. The program of CTM as well as Transmediale look really interesting, also the festival moved back to the HKW – we’re eagerly looking forward for this one!

By exploring subversive artistic methodologies and developing (counter-) conspiratorial strategies to uncover new forms of expression and digital discourse CONSPIRE… will attempt to enter the increasingly prevalent yet ambiguous worlds of network induced narratives, cryptic environments and speculative inquiry.



Another upcoming Festival is the Share Festival in Turin, Italy. It run from 11th – 16th of March. The Guys from Share Festival will also organize events at the c-base during the Transmediale, check them out here.

Superbertram at the 24C3 in Berlin

Superbertram was officially invited to the 24C3, in his function as press reporter and publisher. It was a perfect surrounding to nerd around and get his UMTS running, nevertheless he got harsh critics because not respecting privacy and intimacy at the congress.

24. Chaos Communication Congress (24C3) in Berlin

From 27. -30.12. there was the 24C3, the 24. congress of the berlin hacker community CCC . For all folks who couldnt be there (including me) they put the videos of the conferences online Conference Recordings . check them out

RPM – Revolutions per Minute

The cybernetic model visualizes existing interrelations of social processes and spatial dimensions. Two elastic layers made out of fabric are held vertically by threads and can be moved by computer-controlled motors. Movement within a certain radius around the object is tracked by sensors.
The position and distance of a person defines the algorithm of how the layers change their form. Between the layers a continuously changing landscape will appear; deformed, distorted (constrained) space, an organism starts breathing, a living-thing reacts on its environment; a pulsing body communicates.

resonance Sound Workshop

Nicolaj Kirisits und GordanSavicic erklärten in ihrem leider nicht sehr stark besuchten, nichts desto trotz aber sehr unterhalteneden und lehrreichen Workshop den praktischen Einsatz von Piezomikrophonen bei Performances – aber seht selbst:

re.sonance 07 up & running

The sonance.artistic.project launched the re.sonance07 festival with the presentation of the (mighty) festival catalogue including a DVD last friday in Vienna. The catalogue gives a pretty detailed overview of the actual digital culture scene in and around vienna.

resonance 07

It#s not easy to make your way trough the programme but it’s definitively worth a try. Especially the fact that a lot of exhibition and presentation venues are temporary art residences free of charge – very interesting story! it looks like it’s actually possible to get a temporary (unused) place to work on art projects. I’ll keep my eyes and ears open and try to get some more detailed information’s on this issue – a good time and place to find out more about this would be the vernisage of Franz Xavers exhibition “Biosphären” on Thursday 28th of November in the Lerchenfelderstrasse 65 – this place is used as a “Präkarium” since 2003, looks like a good place to start..

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