performance by uschi reiter and julia zdarsky at transmediale
performance by uschi reiter and julia zdarsky at transmediale
here we go with the first videos from the transmediale. first we have a few words from andreas bröckmann (he will leave the transmediale team after this years edition of the transmediale) and than a short snippet from pierre bastien’s “orchestre mecanique”.
ein kleiner ueberblick von einem echtem pro, mister dj alive:
“also des programm is musikalisch ned übermässig, aber ein paar gustostückelr sind natürlich immer dabei….
dieser mesterhazy spielt super electronica/experimental sets .. da is wahrscheinlich der abend recht nett obwohli niemanden sonst kenn.
der abend wo noze spielt, der aber sicher der langweiligste act an dem abend sein wird schaut echt gut aus … vor alllem feadz und der jay haze mitseinem neuen fuckpony projekt … lecker – wenn man drauf steht.
und natürlich rechenzentrum(magichnichtso) und pole!!!! band … wenn das ser deutsche pole is dann isses super elktronischer minimal dub .. und der tip des programms.
ich hoff ich hab alle klarheiten beseitigt”
Tagrunderconstruction, originally uploaded by tagr_tv.
tagr .tv finallly online. we managed to upload an release candidate by 30th jan. 2007. big up martin f. for doing the quick job, this guy knows how to use coffee and ziggies c u in berlin
as far as i can say until now, it simply doesn’t matter. if you want the video to be displayed slightly bigger choose revver (you can still downsize it in the source code of the post), if you want to be sure that it loads without delay choose youtube.
youtube has the logo embedded in the video, which sucks. revver’s logo is in the menu, therefore you have a commercial after the video on revver.
i’not quite sure, but i think revver has slightly more artefacts in the video then youtube. also, there is a sort of approval process going on at revver, it takes around an hour to get your video accepted by revver.
i actually think that the quality of is great – might be another option, but i’m having troubles with the upload… at the max. video size is 150mb.. has the nicest interface and leaves the video in qt if u prefer but doesn’t work really well with wordpress..
i’d say we just leave it up to every editor which platform to choose.. this and that site might help – maybe we should start a service ranking
plz comment your thougts, tagr headz!
a few thoughts by others:
the same geek made this.