Monthly Archive for June, 2008

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Arduino Workshop, Part 3

Today’s Lesson was about the IF :lol: – ELSE :sad: command. The physical example we used for that was:IF you turn a potentiometer underneath a certain vale, make the LED blink. To keep things easy we used pin 13which has a resistor built in to let the LED blink. I wanted to make things a bot more spicy and also make use of the ELSE IF and ELSE command, so i decided to make a wiring wiith a second LED on pin 12 that work like that: If the value received from the potentiometer is below 100 let LED1 blink, if it’s between 100 and 300 let LED2 blink, if the value is above 300 switch both LED’s constantly on.

Today Code: Continue reading ‘Arduino Workshop, Part 3’

Immodesty, Day 2

We continued to open up all the cameras and wired them in order to turn them all on and release the shutter at the same time. Also we wanted use a dip-switch for each camera to still have control over every single camera on it’s own. That’s when things got tricky, because when you wire all the switches parallel you connect all the cameras as soon as you make a connection at an point. But that was only the beginning: We had our first “Critiques” appointment and hey all let us know that they don’t believe we can make the project the way we think.

What followed then was good and bad at the same time. On the on hand some reactions were like: “Yeah, well, i didn’t get your project of all – but why don’t you go for this or that instead..”, which was more annoying then helpful, because at some point i had the feeling that some critiques just wanted to push the project in the direction that they felt like at the moment… On the other hand it was really helpful because we figured out a way to make a mounting that’s actually realizable and gives us the possibility to fine-tune the adjustments a little bit within the “fixed” camera.

Oh well, 2morrow is another day let’s see..

Arduino Workshop, Part 2

Today it was fast and painless: Analog inputs. Easy but handy, basically any variabel resistor works like this. Check out the pictures for the schematics:

Immodesty, Day 1

I’ve chosen to join Karolina Sobecka’s Project mmodesty. We’ll build o low-cost virtual camera system. Therefore we will hack a bunch of single-use cameras in order to make them readable and release at the same time.

1st day: We started to break up some PDA readers that use the same interface like the single-use cameras.


The plan is to connect 30 cameras to one arduino in order to release the shutter simultanously. To do so we need to extend the outputs of the arduino, which originally has only 13 outputs. So, to get the ammount of output needed we built a Serial to Parallel Shifting-Out with a 74HC595 chip as explained on the arduino hompepage.


Since the hardware tasks of the day were fulfilled with excellence we started a test shooting with one of the cameras. Our testsetup was a half circle with a radius of 3.2m, with marks every 20cm.


this is the output of the first testshooting: file formats troubles

some snapshots of the day: Continue reading ‘Immodesty, Day 1’

Arduino Workshop, Part 1

This week we’ll have an arduino workshop going on besides the projects we’re working on.

Today we started with basics of electronics and arduino. Therefore Simone Jones Continue reading ‘Arduino Workshop, Part 1’

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