Archive for the ‘performance’ Category

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Upcoming: Transmediale 2008 // Share Prize 08

transe 08

The Transmediale Festival 2008 “Conspire” will open it’s doors next week. The Festival runs from 30th of Jan till 3rd Feb 2008. The Openng will take place im “Haus der Kulturen der Welt“on Tuesday evening. A detailed Programm is ready for download here.

We will have a look behind the curtains and provide you with Artist and Organizer interviews Videos as well as workshop documentation from the Club Transmediale, which already starts today. The program of CTM as well as Transmediale look really interesting, also the festival moved back to the HKW – we’re eagerly looking forward for this one!

By exploring subversive artistic methodologies and developing (counter-) conspiratorial strategies to uncover new forms of expression and digital discourse CONSPIRE… will attempt to enter the increasingly prevalent yet ambiguous worlds of network induced narratives, cryptic environments and speculative inquiry.



Another upcoming Festival is the Share Festival in Turin, Italy. It run from 11th – 16th of March. The Guys from Share Festival will also organize events at the c-base during the Transmediale, check them out here.

resonance Sound Workshop

Nicolaj Kirisits und GordanSavicic erklärten in ihrem leider nicht sehr stark besuchten, nichts desto trotz aber sehr unterhalteneden und lehrreichen Workshop den praktischen Einsatz von Piezomikrophonen bei Performances – aber seht selbst:

re.sonance 07 up & running

The sonance.artistic.project launched the re.sonance07 festival with the presentation of the (mighty) festival catalogue including a DVD last friday in Vienna. The catalogue gives a pretty detailed overview of the actual digital culture scene in and around vienna.

resonance 07

It#s not easy to make your way trough the programme but it’s definitively worth a try. Especially the fact that a lot of exhibition and presentation venues are temporary art residences free of charge – very interesting story! it looks like it’s actually possible to get a temporary (unused) place to work on art projects. I’ll keep my eyes and ears open and try to get some more detailed information’s on this issue – a good time and place to find out more about this would be the vernisage of Franz Xavers exhibition “Biosphären” on Thursday 28th of November in the Lerchenfelderstrasse 65 – this place is used as a “Präkarium” since 2003, looks like a good place to start..

STRP festival part II

because philips moved it’s production to the east we can be here and celebrate electronic culture. a couple of years ago the monotonic movements of production robots determined the daily rhythm, now it is the bumping sound of techno music which makes the people move in a robotic behaviour. it’s an electronic circus with artbots, installations, cinema, lecture and performances… STRP is actually a quite mainstream event with a slightly taste of a critic approach. there are no deepening philosophical lectures or theoretical input. but that’s not the intention of the festival organizers : “The composition of the programme is based on the principle that STRP should be a low threshold festival, geared to a large audience.” – from this point of view it’s definitely a big success! A lot of people not only during the day-time, but also the shows were sold out every night! thousands of people everywhere… mostly dutch of all ages, baby’s to granny’s – they were all there. the dutch people are really the most friendly and helpful people i’ve ever met: yesterday i even got driven home on the backseat of a bicycle – thx walter ! :-) i really enjoyed the people and atmosphere a lot at the festival!

STRP on Youtube

Some bits and pieces i collected on youtube that give an impressions whats up at the strp parties:

If you have some clips online please join the youtube group.

STRP festival part I

After a slightly complicated trainsurfingtrip i arrived in Eindhoven, a small beautiful city in the south of Netherlands… if you go to Eindhoven Beukenlaan by train , you’ll see an old Philips Factory… and inside you find STRP, the Festival for Art, Technology and Music. already surprised at the entrance because of the metal-gates guiding the people in lines i was even more puzzled when entering the first zaal, called the brainport zaal… loads of people and sounds and action everywhere… was like entering at a luna park… ok, aaahhh, to much for the beginning… so, what to see first ? i took the festival program and looked for special lectures or performances which i might miss. oh, it’s dutch… do you have a english version ? …no, but look at the overview, it’s international ;-) ok, it wasn’t supposed to be an international festival… at least on the web-page you find all the info in english. even the lectures are in dutch. alright, i know german, so i could get some info’s out of “paradise bij the laptoplight”, a lecture with the topic “next nature“. how nature becomes culture and culture becomes nature. with international speed lectures (english ;-) , so i could understand better). quite informational and critic view about how we try to copy the nature, commercialise it and how all this is becoming nature again. on a broadsheet we got, you could read : “our technological world has become so intricate and uncontrollable that it has become a nature of its own” or “second life is not sustainable”.
after that i started to check out the exhibition… wandering around and had lots of fun… in the beginning i was sceptic about the dimension of the festival and the luna park approach, but actually i liked a lot how the people used the interactive works. it was no such shy distance like in other art exhibitions, where people just look, or maybe very carefully touch. the people really use it and even start to invent new ways of playing around. so it’s a hardcore-test for all interactive works here… after a very interesting and intensive exhibition and my exhausting travelling i was to tired to see the music-program, which was a pity, because there was a very good international lineup ! … so i missed modeselektor :-(
check out some works from the exhibition >>>

The Signal is the Message

Vunhat Tan(VN) Lasse Marhaug (NO) Gisle Frøysland (NO) set the record straight: Piksel likes Noise, Piksel produces Noise. I can’t say anything about the way they generated their sound, but the way the video signal is generated is as simple as great: Gisle plugs the audio signal to an ancient video mixer, sends it to another video mixer and back again, some feedback, some analog keying, some analog filters – thats it. I like :)

Piksel Festival 2007 started

piksel bannerpiksel07 banner

I arrived at the Piksel Festival and i’m about to gather all the documentation material – be sure to come back for more soon..

Interpenetrating Systems @ Arse Elektronika: F**kzilla

To learn how to make computers more human, we have to f**k them.

Arse Elektronika’s sex and technology conference in San Francisco held 5-7th October 2007 at’s Pr0n Palace opened with a bang. Here a young cyberpunk woman engages in sex with a robot for the first time in media art history.

This video shows her, F**kzilla and operator Jacob Appelbaum preparing the next giant step for mankind by trying F**kzilla’s tongue chainsaw: “We have the technology.” (Jacob Appelbaum)

Arse Elektronika 2007

Wired, “So who wants to f**k a robot?”
The Register, “Rise of the f**king machines: Arse Elektronika bumps uglies with Web 2.0″
RE/Search, V. Vale on Arse Elektronika, Fri-Sun Oct 5-7, San Francisco

In my talk I explored the relationships and intersections between porn, art and politics. In my opening statement, I made two arguments1. We must understand pr0n as a medium of expression, criticism and resistance
2. Therefore we have to make pr0n a language of public discourse

My lecture covered a brief introduction to the work of the Serbian filmmaker Dušan Makavejev, a founding member of Yugoslavia’s oppositional “Black Wave”, famous for his groundbreaking films of Yugoslav cinema in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

Makavejev’s breakthrough and international recognition came with W.R.—Misterije organizma (W.R.—Mysteries of the Organism, 1971), a film that he described as “a fantasy on the fascism and communism of human bodies, the political life of human genitals, a proclamation of the pornographic essence of any system of authority and power over others.”

Stefan Lutschinger @


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