Just found out that at the two closing events of the soundframe festival in Vienna. [15th and 16th of april 2010 @ Ottakringer Brauerei]
there will be an installation of AntiVJ.I am pretty curious what to see, if and how they can change the amtmosphere at the Brauerei! Come and check it out with me!
Here some Videos of their previous works, just to get an idea what AntiVJ does:
Well, unfortunately i never attended Pixelache in Helsinki, Finnland, but it supposed to be quite an interesting festival addressing the classical contemporary topics like capitalism, sustainable energy and alternative systems. But don´t wanna talk a lot about a festival i haven´t been…. better check out their massive videocollection on vimeo or their flickr collection to get a review of what we have missed. or listen to Juha Huuskonen the programme director of pixelache, whom we know from transmediale 2009, when he was part of the jury.
And if you wanna attend in next years festival > don´t forget to apply to their call for proposals. deadline 15.4.2010
TrikeDoubleThree is a piece of performative dance in conjunction with audio visual elements by Christine Gaigg (2nd nature) and Bernhard Lang. The four dancers on stage, perform on sound panels by being video taped, the sound and video is sampled with the “visual loop generator” and reprojected on the screens in the middle of the stage (stage design: Philipp Harnoncourt). As a viewer you might loose the oversight of what is created by whom, is the machine following the human dancers or vice versa?
But somehow, it’s all about loops. We had the chance to talk to Christine Gaigg and Bernhard Lang, the creators of this piece where dance meets media art.
TrikeDoubleThree was shown at TQW, November 2009, Wien Modern Festival.
INTERVIEW WITH BERNHARD LANG German with English subtitels
Interview: Ella Esque Camera & Editing: Franziska Mayr-Keber Subtitles: Franziska Mayr-Keber, Oliver Stummer Performance Video Recordings: Raphael Brand
INTERVIEW WITH CHRISTINE GAIGG German (English subtitels will be added asap)
Interview: Ella Esque Camera & Editing: Franziska Mayr-Keber Performance Video Recordings: Raphael Brand
Charlemagne Palestine !! an extraordinary person – an experience you´ll never forget ! Not only his performance at the Französischer Dom is remarkable – we managed to get an interview before his gig. he is an epiphany himself ! of course we can´t transport the full experience of an organ which is resonating with the audience and the dom ! but check the video to get at least a taste….
ReConstitution by Sosolimited (Justin Manor / Eric Gunther)
Sosolimited having a live performance at transmediale.10 called “The LongConversation”. Eric Gunther, Justin Manor and John Rothenberg are visualizing the conference talk in real time for about 12 hours. We were getting them for a short talk about their experiences with their artwork ReConstitution and their performance today.
ReConstitution was a live remix of the 2008 US Presidential debates performed by Sosolimited in Boston, New York, and Washington DC. This movie shows highlights from the performances and gives an overview of selected transformations.
In the Award Ceremony on Saturday, 6 February, Barbara Kisseler (Permanent Secretary of the State of Berlin) and the members of both juries announced the winners of both the transmediale Award 2010 and the Vilém Flusser Theory Award 2010!
Canadian artist Michelle Teran is the winner of the transmediale Award 2010. Her work Buscando al Sr. Goodbar was awarded with a prize of 6,000 Euros. A Distinction worth 2,000 Euros was given to the Americans Aaron Koblin and Daniel Massey for their work Bicycle Built For Two Thousand.
The Vilém Flusser Theory Award 2010, also worth 2,000 Euros, was given to biologist and artist Warren Neidich (us/de) for his research project Neuropower.
OH SNAP!! Google had one of their Streeview camera cars parked in front of the Haus der Kulturen der Welt right here in Berlin. We put a GPS tracking device it and are following it right now!!!! Check this awesome large map we threw together (updates every 2 min) and follow what we see at @fffffat (twitter) (this will be EPIC!!!!)
we proudly present one of our favourite artworks nominated for the transmediale award 2010 : chapter I – the discovery from the spanish artist Félix Luque Sánchez which is exhibited in the cervantes institute near alexanderplatz. we had the pleasure to get him for an interview. so listen to him personally :
and here´s the docuvideo by himself including the first room :
ok, this is as quick and dirty as it gets: today i met jaromil in the hkw and he agreed to do a walktrough with me – so i grabbed the camera i had on me and we started right away – see what jaromil has to tell us…
jaromil will also take part in “the futurity long conversation” on friday starting at 14:00 in the hkw auditorium.