Tag Archive for ‘interview’

OutOfContext – Interview between Rotterdam and Amsterdam

Don Satijn is a Dutch visual artist and educator. Tagr.tv helped M. Eugenia Demeglio realising the project of interviewing him.

The interview took place between Rotterdam and Amsterdam, the 6th and 7th of June 2013. It featured: a walk in Rotterdam, a drive to Amsterdam and a visit to the artist’s exhibition in Gallery Nine in Amsterdam.

Interview with Friedrich Lindenberg / Liquid Democracy e. V

Uncut Interview with Friedrich Lindenberg from the Liquid Democracy e.V talking to Tobias Nöbauer & Volker Eckl from “Transforming Freedom”; second part (off the records) in german language, starting at 27:00. Recorded at the Transmediale 2011 in Berlin (feb. 5th 2011) by georg schütz.

Robert Henke & Tarik Barri (MONOLAKE) @ MAK Nite – Contemporary Art Tower

Robert Henke, der musikalische Mastermind hinter Monolake, war gemeinsam mit Tarik Barri, der den Part der Visualisierung inne hatte, zu Gast bei der MAK Nite im CAT.

Robert, der neben seiner Professur für “auditive Mediengestaltung” an der UDK Berlin sowie der Tätigkeit als Softwaredesigner, Interfaceentwickler und Medienkünstler bereits seit 17 Jahren als ambitionierter Musiker (Monolake) tätig ist, sprach mit mir über die Thematiken Raumklang, Computer als Instrument und neue Möglichkeiten im Bereich digitaler Performance. Im Anschluss stellte er dies dann auch eindrücklich unter Beweis und bespielte nicht in Stereo, sondern mit einer 4-Kanal Performance, die Räumlichkeiten des Flackturms.
Tarik Barri, der gemeinsam mit Robert arbeitet, und an diesem Abend eine echtzeit 3D Rauminstallation realisierte war ebenfalls für ein Gespräch zu begeistern. Dabei unterhielten wir uns ausführlich über seine Arbeitsweise, technologischen Zugang und Spaceshuttles.

Interview: Karl Salzmann
Kamera: Franziska Mayr-Keber, Andreas Haider
Schnitt: Christof Vonbank

Interview: Karl Salzmann
Kamera: Franziska Mayr-Keber, Andreas Haider
Schnitt: Christof Vonbank

Lichterloh vs. VMS @Mapping Festival 2010

Lichterloh did a VMS Show on Thursday, 13th May at the Mapping Festival in Geneve. We had the chance to talk with them about light, visuals and the future of Vjing in a light ambient setup.

The Mapping Festival is dedicated to VJing and to the task of combining moving images with contemporary cultures. Thus multiplying the events which animate the town and bestowing itself to the Genevans and international visitors.
Formed in 2005 by Modul8 conceptors and Zoo/Usine, The Mapping is in search of all passionate of real time image use, amateurs of electronic cultures, conviviality and discovery.
The festival is a true laboratory for the VJing discipline, offering both novices and professionals the possibility to experiment and encounter. This unique aspect gives the festival a world-wide reputation in the VJ-community as a meeting point you just have to visit.


Interview: Conny Zenk
Camera: Markus Liszt
Editing: Conny Zenk

:: TrikeDoubleThree :: Interview with Bernhard Lang and Christine Gaigg

TrikeDoubleThree is a piece of performative dance in conjunction with audio visual elements by Christine Gaigg (2nd nature) and Bernhard Lang.
The four dancers on stage, perform on sound panels by being video taped, the sound and video is sampled with the “visual loop generator” and reprojected on the screens in the middle of the stage (stage design: Philipp Harnoncourt). As a viewer you might loose the oversight of what is created by whom, is the machine following the human dancers or vice versa?

But somehow, it’s all about loops. We had the chance to talk to Christine Gaigg and Bernhard Lang, the creators of this piece where dance meets media art.

TrikeDoubleThree was shown at TQW, November 2009, Wien Modern Festival.

German with English subtitels

Interview: Ella Esque
Camera & Editing: Franziska Mayr-Keber
Subtitles: Franziska Mayr-Keber, Oliver Stummer
Performance Video Recordings: Raphael Brand

German (English subtitels will be added asap)

Interview: Ella Esque
Camera & Editing: Franziska Mayr-Keber
Performance Video Recordings: Raphael Brand

ReConstitution @ transmediale 2010

ReConstitution by Sosolimited (Justin Manor / Eric Gunther)

Sosolimited having a live performance at transmediale.10 called “The LongConversation”. Eric Gunther, Justin Manor and John Rothenberg are visualizing the conference talk in real time for about 12 hours. We were getting them for a short talk about their experiences with their artwork ReConstitution and their performance today.

The Long Conversion from Sosolimited on Vimeo.

ReConstitution was a live remix of the 2008 US Presidential debates performed by Sosolimited in Boston, New York, and Washington DC. This movie shows highlights from the performances and gives an overview of selected transformations.

Eyewriter at Blackriverfestival

Three members of the eye-writer initiative tell us about their project, how it started and how it developed. There is more great video documentation available on vimeo, like this clip:

Interview with James Powderly (GRL, FAT Lab)

During the Olympic Games in 2008 James Powderly traveled to Beijing in order to support the group “Students for a free Tibet”. The Idea was to go there and do a L.A.S.E.R. Tag performance. Before he was able to do so he was arrested and sentenced to 10 days of prison. When the games were over he was set free and sent home, where he decided to publish the story as a comic book together with Jihoi Lee. In the interview he tells us about the time in prison and the comic book that was exhibited at the Blackriver Festival in Vienna.

This is the L.A.S.E.R. Tag Video by GRL, for everybody who is not familiar with the project:

from http://graffitiresearchlab.com/rotterdam/laser_tag_WEB.mov

Hermann Josef Hack: The whole world is a Climate Refugee Camp

With climate change we all become nomads.

Interview with Hermann Josef Hack. German version only.

Monday, January 26th 2009, the german artist Hermann Josef Hack arranged 200 small tents on the square in front of the Brandenburger Tor to build a miniature version of a refugee camp, the world climate refugee camp. Hack’s art refers to current political issues, for him there is no distinction between art and politics. Furthermore he wants to get in direct contact with the public audience instead of presenting his work in institutional art spaces like museums. That’s why he presents his work in public spaces and likes to watch the reaction of the pedestrians, “the very ones who caused the changes that made people refugees in the first place”.

Bruce Sterling Interview

Bruce Sterling interview at the Share Festival in Turin about himself, his books and the rules of art and design. (14. 03. 2008 – engl., 24:29 min - download)

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