Author Archive for Emanuel

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friday night: hiroshima mon amour

there is one thing that makes this media art festival really unique: the people here _never_ forget about the social part of a festival – and after years of media art festival hopping i know that this is not quite common. yesterday night we were taken to the “hiroshima mon amour” club . when we entered the venue the reactable performance had just started – i saw the reactabe for the first time a few years ago and i liked the new interface – but when i arrived to the “hiroshima – mon amour” club in turin yesterday i was really impressed that they developed it to a proper instrument which they used to not only show how the interface works but to really rock the house!

after that autechre rocked the house on the mainstage, you can find my first bootleg here. it’s pretty LQ, unedited and really just useful to give you an impression…

as ever the coin has two sides and the parties claim their victims. we managed to take some really nice interviews – some of them are already cut and will be online soon – but most of them are only recorded ad will not be online during the weekend. have to go now, party on… :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :arrow: :mrgreen:

Interview battle: Gordan Savicic vs. Emanuel Andel

Da uns der Schirm etliche neue Spielformen bietet und ich mir nicht sicher war ob es ok ist es an mich selbst per Interview auf einem Blog feature den ich mitbetreibe, haben wir abgesehen vom Schirm noch ein neues Format entwickelt: Das Interviewbattle – Gordan vs. Emanuel

Gordan erklärt im ersten Teil des Videos seine Projekt “Constraint City”, nit dem er infolge den 3. Preis den Transmediale Awards gewonnen hat. Emanuel Andel präsentiert seine Arbeit “Knife.Hand.Chop.Bot”. umbr.ella

Following the great concept of ella esque we built a mobile interview environment which is equipped with a bird-view camera and a microphone inside the umbrella. that makes it possible to use low-qual. cameras but still provide proper sound. Beside the technical advantages this setup provides the interview team with an own space – no matter where the interview takes place. we have to admit that our first interviews are still lacking in terms of audio quality, but we’re on our way..

+ a BIG THANK YOU to the guys from LM/LN, without their [great skills/working place/mental support]:help we couldn’t have managed to realize it!! Thanks

Upcoming: Transmediale 2008 // Share Prize 08

transe 08

The Transmediale Festival 2008 “Conspire” will open it’s doors next week. The Festival runs from 30th of Jan till 3rd Feb 2008. The Openng will take place im “Haus der Kulturen der Welt“on Tuesday evening. A detailed Programm is ready for download here.

We will have a look behind the curtains and provide you with Artist and Organizer interviews Videos as well as workshop documentation from the Club Transmediale, which already starts today. The program of CTM as well as Transmediale look really interesting, also the festival moved back to the HKW – we’re eagerly looking forward for this one!

By exploring subversive artistic methodologies and developing (counter-) conspiratorial strategies to uncover new forms of expression and digital discourse CONSPIRE… will attempt to enter the increasingly prevalent yet ambiguous worlds of network induced narratives, cryptic environments and speculative inquiry.



Another upcoming Festival is the Share Festival in Turin, Italy. It run from 11th – 16th of March. The Guys from Share Festival will also organize events at the c-base during the Transmediale, check them out here.

RPM – Revolutions per Minute

The cybernetic model visualizes existing interrelations of social processes and spatial dimensions. Two elastic layers made out of fabric are held vertically by threads and can be moved by computer-controlled motors. Movement within a certain radius around the object is tracked by sensors.
The position and distance of a person defines the algorithm of how the layers change their form. Between the layers a continuously changing landscape will appear; deformed, distorted (constrained) space, an organism starts breathing, a living-thing reacts on its environment; a pulsing body communicates.

resonance Sound Workshop

Nicolaj Kirisits und GordanSavicic erklärten in ihrem leider nicht sehr stark besuchten, nichts desto trotz aber sehr unterhalteneden und lehrreichen Workshop den praktischen Einsatz von Piezomikrophonen bei Performances – aber seht selbst:

re.sonance 07 up & running

The sonance.artistic.project launched the re.sonance07 festival with the presentation of the (mighty) festival catalogue including a DVD last friday in Vienna. The catalogue gives a pretty detailed overview of the actual digital culture scene in and around vienna.

resonance 07

It#s not easy to make your way trough the programme but it’s definitively worth a try. Especially the fact that a lot of exhibition and presentation venues are temporary art residences free of charge – very interesting story! it looks like it’s actually possible to get a temporary (unused) place to work on art projects. I’ll keep my eyes and ears open and try to get some more detailed information’s on this issue – a good time and place to find out more about this would be the vernisage of Franz Xavers exhibition “Biosphären” on Thursday 28th of November in the Lerchenfelderstrasse 65 – this place is used as a “Präkarium” since 2003, looks like a good place to start..

STRP on Youtube

Some bits and pieces i collected on youtube that give an impressions whats up at the strp parties:

If you have some clips online please join the youtube group.

The Signal is the Message

Vunhat Tan(VN) Lasse Marhaug (NO) Gisle Frøysland (NO) set the record straight: Piksel likes Noise, Piksel produces Noise. I can’t say anything about the way they generated their sound, but the way the video signal is generated is as simple as great: Gisle plugs the audio signal to an ancient video mixer, sends it to another video mixer and back again, some feedback, some analog keying, some analog filters – thats it. I like :)

CUI – Create USB Interface

I couldn’t attend to the presentation of this new tool, but i still want to spread the information it because – as far as i can say from the distance – it’s a very interesting low-cost development: The CUI is a interface board that lets you connect up to the 13 analog inputs (10-bit resolution) and buttons/switches to the digital inputs. It’s is kind of similar to the Arduino board with one big difference: It will be recognized by the system as a USB HIDevice, which means that you can get the data from the sensors into max/pd/suppercollider easily using the [hidio] object.


It’s based on a PIC processor, so you can of course also program it in both C and assemler – if you can. The Create USB Interface is available pre-built and bootloaded for $50 on the Create USB Interface homepage. There are also the schematics and part-lists available for download if you fancy soldering it on your own.

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