Christine Sugrue is the winner of this years share prize. Her work “Delicate Boundaries” satisfied the jury members bruce sterling, anne nigten and stefano mirti – Congratulation!

Jury Statement:
Anne Nigten — manager of the V-2 Lab and director of the Patching Zone in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Stefano Mirti — architect, designer, and teacher from I-D Lab in Milano.
Bruce Sterling, author journalist from Austin Texas and guest curator of Share Festival, chairman of the Share Prize jury.
So — as you may know, we three members of the jury were responsible for picking these six pieces of art. We love all of them dearly. Nevertheless only one can take home the SHARE prize — the digitally-manufactured SHARE Prize.
Our artists have created extraordinary works where digital images crawl out of screens and onto human fingers, where digital sound samples leave the computer to become solid chunks of wood carved on lathes. We also have a large, synaesthetic, immersive installation, two multi-user interaction pieces suitable for groups, and one of the scariest and most physically confrontational pieces of electronic art yet created.
We were much taken by D3D’s Virtual Identity Project. The fine Italian aesthetics work at an eye-candy level, while also raising substantial questions about identity and our data shadows on the modern net.
We very much appreciated the muscular appeal of our runner-up, Emmanuel Andel’s knife hand chop bot. This installation mesmerized everyone who saw it in action — it’s a fearsomely strong work of art, which provokes dripping sweat, racing heartbeats — it’s the personification of the hidden violence of new media!
It struck us that our winner and runner-up are the feminine and masculine version of the same artistic concept. It’s a pity they can’t marry — but only one can win.
With its mixture of subtle feminine menace and charm, our winner is a piece that was universally beloved by everyone who attended SHARE: Delicate Boundaries. We were encouraged by its poetics of social networking — everyone contaminated by these sprites immediately wants to share the infection with someone else. We also admired the sophisticated programming, and very clear and limpid user-interface. A hearty welcome from Torino to an American artist with global appeal, Chris Sugrue.
Honorary mention to Knife.Hand.Chop.Bot by Emanuel Andel.