Archive for the ‘workshop’ Category

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Arduino Workshop, Part 4

Honestly, i missed the first part – i just arrived when the first example was finished: basically the job was to change the blinking frequency according to the value received by the potentiometer (or any other variable resistor) => arduino file

So now we’re starting to use the arduino to pass values to processing and change the displayed image. Therefore we change the ” Serial.println(inputPin)” which would print the received value and change it to “serial.print (val,BYTE)” which will sore the received value in a Byte (0-255) which can then be read by processing. In processing we us this value to define the parameters of a rectangle in processing. => arduino file => processing file

Arduino Workshop, Part 3

Today’s Lesson was about the IF :lol: – ELSE :sad: command. The physical example we used for that was:IF you turn a potentiometer underneath a certain vale, make the LED blink. To keep things easy we used pin 13which has a resistor built in to let the LED blink. I wanted to make things a bot more spicy and also make use of the ELSE IF and ELSE command, so i decided to make a wiring wiith a second LED on pin 12 that work like that: If the value received from the potentiometer is below 100 let LED1 blink, if it’s between 100 and 300 let LED2 blink, if the value is above 300 switch both LED’s constantly on.

Today Code: Continue reading ‘Arduino Workshop, Part 3’

Arduino Workshop, Part 2

Today it was fast and painless: Analog inputs. Easy but handy, basically any variabel resistor works like this. Check out the pictures for the schematics:

Immodesty, Day 1

I’ve chosen to join Karolina Sobecka’s Project mmodesty. We’ll build o low-cost virtual camera system. Therefore we will hack a bunch of single-use cameras in order to make them readable and release at the same time.

1st day: We started to break up some PDA readers that use the same interface like the single-use cameras.


The plan is to connect 30 cameras to one arduino in order to release the shutter simultanously. To do so we need to extend the outputs of the arduino, which originally has only 13 outputs. So, to get the ammount of output needed we built a Serial to Parallel Shifting-Out with a 74HC595 chip as explained on the arduino hompepage.


Since the hardware tasks of the day were fulfilled with excellence we started a test shooting with one of the cameras. Our testsetup was a half circle with a radius of 3.2m, with marks every 20cm.


this is the output of the first testshooting: file formats troubles

some snapshots of the day: Continue reading ‘Immodesty, Day 1’

Arduino Workshop, Part 1

This week we’ll have an arduino workshop going on besides the projects we’re working on.

Today we started with basics of electronics and arduino. Therefore Simone Jones Continue reading ‘Arduino Workshop, Part 1’

Interactivos, Day1

Today, all the selected projects were presented by their creator, we now have to choose one or more projects to collaborate with. Here is a short summery of all the projects:

Esther Polak: Sand Spiral Machine

The idea is to build a robot that uses solar power in order to move that is nonstop drawing a line of sand. When it has collected enough power it will move: When the sun rises, the distances the robot can make will rise because the amount of light that hits the solar panel increases. The line of sand will visualize this process.

Collaborators should know:

    – electro-mechanical: motors, condensers, etc.
    - solar power
    - programming skills for arduino
    - sand flow research
    - conceptual and visual impact reflection
    - local research: find nice spots to test
    - photography and video documentation
    - writing and text correction for the blog


Paola Guimerans, Horacio González, Igor González: Biophionitos

In the nineteens century a lot of techniques came up in order to generate moving images like zoetrope (-> wikipedia)
A processing application will include polygons. this polygons are used to create images of pets, which can then be printed out to create your own animation generator at home – the idea is to make it easy to build, in order to animate people to build it at home.

    – processing
    - electronics
    - mechanical knowledge


Jordi Puig: MASK
(My Alter Self Consciousness)
The idea is to have a magic mirror that paints masks and animations in your face, so you’re not looking at a screen but at image of yourself. in order to do this we will use a spy mirror and project behind that to mix the mirrored image and the projection. we will use camera tracking to determine the position of the face/ projection. So the most work will be in face recognition and tracking on one side, on the other side to design and implement the animation.

Nova Jiang: Stage Fright
Nova will build an interfaced swing that will trigger video movement in order to use the swing to navigate through a narrative story or to amplify the experience of a swing.

    Week 1:
    build the swing
    interface the swing
    Week 2:
    creating footage


Philippe Chatelain: 360º score

Phillipes wants to create a device that can scan drawings and then generate sound out of them.
According to the nature of the graphics and the location of the user within the exhibition space the nature of the sounds may vary.


Walter Langelaar: Daedalus_ex_Machina [DexM]

The main point of Walter’s idea is to bring life video into a virtual representation of a space.
This he will realie in the quake engine which he found a code to implement life video for.

In order to realize this within the quake engine he wants to use and improve (resolution) an open source code he discovered recently and than rebuild the space of the medialab-prado and use the live video signal as a shader.

Karolina Sobecka: Immodesty

Karolina will use cheap “one-way” cameras and hack them that each camera is wired to an arduino to press the shutter release automatet and simutaniously and that it’s actually possible to download pictures from these cameras. The goal is to creat a cheap virtual camera and then build an installation with this.


    – camera hacking
    - fabrication: design and production of the camera rig.
    - building electronic circuits with micro controllers
    - ideas for how to use tis kind of system
    - video post production


Eloi Maduell: augment(0)scope

the basic idea is to create an interface to show augmented reality.
[i'm sorry - he was so fast that i couldn't follow the whole thing s i just copy/paste]

“The idea is to make something similar to the old “optical boxes” developed on the 18th century. “Optical boxes” were wooden boxes where you could see, through a lens, engraves and daguerreotypes that allowed you to “travel” to remote places. This project plans to create an “optical box” using artificial vision technology and augmented reality techniques, thus overlapping “video” realities and “digital” fictions. The box will be hanging on the ceiling over user’s head, so she can freely rotate it on the space.”


Anaísa Franco: Expanded Eye

Anisa brought a huge acrylic sphere that she wants to use to project the eyes of the observer on
at each blink of the eye one more eye will be projected.

first five days: create the installation
next ten days: develope the information

collaborators: openFW, vvvv

:[i'm sorry for your laptop, btw]:

Martín Nadal: Bloop

As far as i understood he will use an online interface to distribute frames of one second of video to different people around the world and ask them to redraw the frames and then send them back.

collaborates: who can think about an interesting interface? web programming interface would be handy…


all project descriptions can be found here.
[sorry, i forgot to make a photo of the last presentation..]

Interactivos in NY and Mexico

interactivos_bannerWhile taking part at Interactivos workshop in Madrid, i realized that the call for collaborators at eyebeam in NY ends today, but the call for projects for Interactivos in Mexico is still open until 8th of June:

The workshop aims to use open hardware and software tools to create prototypes that explore the relations between machines and humour/laughter

Laughter is a psychological phenomenon that is a human characteristic. Frequently associated with fun, play and pleasure, it serves as a way of communicating moods that are not always positive or pleasurable. Laughter can be intelligent or stupid, liberating, forced, nervous, contagious or sinister. The incongruent and the unexpected provoke laughter; however, depending on the context, they can also cause terror. Laughter is also a social phenomenon. To be shared, a common cultural milieu is required. As a result, it can reinforce belonging to a group and also exclude “others”.

plus, very important:

Lodging will be provided at a hostel for the authors of the selected projects.

Travel expenses will also be covered for one person for each of the selected projects.

Interactivos?’08 at Medialab-Prado, Madrid

Interactivos?’08: Vision Play event will take place from May 30 to June 14, 2008. This seminar-workshop will be directed by Alvaro Cassinelli and Simone Jones, with the participation of Daniel Canogar, Pablo Valbuena and Julian Oliver. Besides the two-week workshop, seminars, lectures and miniworkshops will also be held by Nuria Valverde, James Elkins, Susana Martínez-Conde, José Luis Brea and Jimena Canales.

I was invited to take part in the workshop, so i booked the flights and here i am! The workshop will start tomorrow in the Medialab-Prado and i will take chance to finally use as a workshop documentation plattform and try to spam the blog with an everyday update of the workshop.


Examples for projects that had been realized during recent Interaktivos? workshops are for example Chris Sugrue’s Delicate Boundaries or Pablo Valbuena’s AugmentedSculpture which i think was one of the most thrilling works exhibited at the Ars Elektronica 2007.

digital theremin workshop

part of the club transmediale were the xxxxx-workshops which where held in the ballhaus naunyn. i tried to participate in all the workshops, but due to lack of sleep and a missed flight to berlin i only participated in the digital theremin workshop which was held by andrey smirnov from the theremin center in moscow and derek holzer. smirnov introduced us to the history of the known theremin instrument and lots of interesting info about leon theremin and his other inventions and his connections to secret services.


after a short introduction of pd by derek holzer, who also curated the worskhop series together with Martin Howse, we started to play around with the small digital theremin boards connected either via arduino board or via the standard mic/line input of our computers… pretty cool stuff the small digital theremin boards – because of digital tuning of the two oscillators it is very convenient and usefull even for installations, because there is no need for manual tuning which is a problem for analog theremins. so this was really a very good and interesting workshop which i was happy to attend. it was organized by pickledfeet and they are very active in knowledge transfer – so watch out for upcoming events.


little advice in the end : don´t try pd on macbooks with leopard yet – it nearly destroyed my computer, because it didn´t go to sleep mode after i closed it.

Upcoming: Transmediale 2008 // Share Prize 08

transe 08

The Transmediale Festival 2008 “Conspire” will open it’s doors next week. The Festival runs from 30th of Jan till 3rd Feb 2008. The Openng will take place im “Haus der Kulturen der Welt“on Tuesday evening. A detailed Programm is ready for download here.

We will have a look behind the curtains and provide you with Artist and Organizer interviews Videos as well as workshop documentation from the Club Transmediale, which already starts today. The program of CTM as well as Transmediale look really interesting, also the festival moved back to the HKW – we’re eagerly looking forward for this one!

By exploring subversive artistic methodologies and developing (counter-) conspiratorial strategies to uncover new forms of expression and digital discourse CONSPIRE… will attempt to enter the increasingly prevalent yet ambiguous worlds of network induced narratives, cryptic environments and speculative inquiry.



Another upcoming Festival is the Share Festival in Turin, Italy. It run from 11th – 16th of March. The Guys from Share Festival will also organize events at the c-base during the Transmediale, check them out here.

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